chapter summary:
At the beginning of the chapter Ishmael is talking about a process they do to their boat to make it move through the water faster. He talks about how they coated the hull with grease and oil in order to help it slip through the water more easily than if it was just bare wood. Later he brings up the topic of pitchpoling, he explains the features of the spear most commonly used. He mentions that it is about ten to twelve feet long, made of pine so as to be lighter than ordinary, and has a rope attached called a warp used to retrieve the spear after throwing it. He also mentions why it is better to use the spear than a harpoon, "it is important to mention here, that though the harpoon may be pitchpoled in the same way with the lance, yet it is seldom done; and when done, is still less successful on account of the greater weight and inferior length than the lance," Ishmael explained. He then explains the process by describing stubbs actions when he himself begins pitchpoling. First, stubbs stands at the bow of the boat, then takes the end of the spear, raises it high above himself so that it stands about fifteen feet above the men's heads, aligns it with the whale, and then throws it, hitting the whales critical spot first try.
Quotes:"Tis July's immortal fourth; all fountains must run wine today!"
- This is what one of the men cried when the whale was hit by the spear.
Ishmael mentions how it is better to use the spear than then the harpoon because of the harpoons weight and length. Why would these be determining factors towards its performance?
Vocab: equianimity= mental calmness, sanity during stressful times.
gamesome= playful and merry.
canakin= a little can or cup.
Allusion: When the whales are escaping from them Ishmael compared it to Cleopatra's barges of Actium.